Pivo ZLoun s.r.o.

IČ: 227 99 125     DIČ: CZ 227 99 125

Adresa: Rybalkova 1267, Louny 440 01

Radek Taraba 725061111, sladek@pivozloun.cz

Roman Tvrdý 775101101, roman@pivozloun.cz


Today's name day Luther, Orlando, Ormond, Oscar





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The history of the Brewery from Louny Ltd. (Pivo ZLoun s.r.o.) begins in may 2012 by a phone call from  Radek Taraba to Roman Tvrdý. Radek says that he might have an idea to take advantage of the object which belongs to Roman Tvrdý. In June they both knew that they wanted to jointly build and operate a brewery, but still do not know under what conditions, but cooperation seems to be almost clear. Then the haggling interrupted for long three months. Radek Taraba as proven Master Brewer in the Russian Brewer Assambly Club, a recreation complex on the banks of the Volga River in Saratov region, was summoned by the owners to the second "mission" to these parts of world.

After Radek returned from Russia, there was the strong team of RT&RT together again. They started realization of their idea of a Brewery. First of all, they left to visit their friends in a small town of Svitavi; There is a Mini Brewery Na kopečku (Mini Brewery On the hill) which is owned by a company Czech Brewermasters s.r.o. (Czech Brewer Masters Ltd.) which appreciated Radek’s technology knowledge of beer production, sending him to Russia for experience twice.

Partners of this company, Jirka and Jindřich also supplied small breweries and they have this one to show what their products can do.

Roman liked the beer so much that he loaded his car up to the roof and immediately started serving this beer in the club Ája

When we decided how we will participate in the investment, on competence and of profit, we created the "eseróčko". (s.r.o.) or (Ltd.) we both wanted to get closer to our patriots of Louny and call it Lounsky pivovar s.r.o. (Brewery of Louny Ltd.) However, the Brewery Louny a.s. even not producing any beer any more, still exists, and that's why we have been informed that we cannot be enrolled in the commercial register by the name of the company by any phrase of Pivovar Louny (Brewery of Louny. Not even if we wanted to use another word, such as “new”, Nový Lounský pivovar (New brewery of Louny) From the need to quickly establish the company was founded by Lounsky brewmaster s.r.o., which was eventually renamed to Pivo ZLoun s.r.o.(Beer of Louny Ltd.)

Meanwhile the project documentation started, we called the Banks for a loan and began to work on the transcription of the building. On 27th of February 2013 provided ČMZRB guarantees on 3 credits (loans) and later that day, the company Pivo Zloun s.r.o. has entered into a credit agreement with KB in Regards, of the capacity of the restaurant, the construction of the brewery and operating credit. If there were money, we started to address to whom we should pay to build it for us. It was crystal clear about the technology. Still in the autumn, we let three companies that produce high-quality breweries to do calculations, from three companies and from this small selection came out the best Jirka and Jindra. Before the end of the year we have a look at the trade fair in Nuremberg. Exhibition of the Czech Brewmasters was the decision maker, we want their brewery. At the moment we are working on the selection of the building contractor.